Strategic Pivots During These Times


Strategic Pivots During These Times

Strategic pivots can help you during these times.

I’ve noticed salespeople, sales leaders, and executives get discouraged because their current buyers have slowed down or completely ceased ordering.

I often get asked during my LinkedIn Live broadcasts how to generate sales when their market has dried up during COVID-19. Often times, when the audience member is providing details, I notice a common trend. That trend is that they are solely looking to where the money was in 2019, and not where the money currently is and where it’s going.

In other words, they are not looking at strategically pivoting because they’re so focused on how things were done that they haven’t re-focused on how things could be.

As I’ve covered recently, we aren’t in 2019 anymore. We aren’t in a pre-COVID world anymore. The new reality is nowhere and your organization and sales team needs to be thinking creatively about…

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