Everything little is big today


get real

by Peter W. Wagner  “GET REAL”
When my wife Connie and I founded our first publication, The Golden Shopper, we were still in the first year of our marriage. It was October 3, 1962.
Our little town of Sibley had less than 2,500 population and we only printed 3,000 copies each week.
The paper was printed two pages at a time on an Addressograph-Multigraph 2066LD and every third sheet jammed between the rollers. We had to overprint the first run so we’d have enough when we flipped the stack over to print the other side.
I wasn’t able to sell any ads the local National Food store or any other business managed from distant locations.
But over time I was able to convince hometown merchants, banks, insurance offices, and auto sales and service centers to use our shopper.
All of the ads were what you would consider small at first…

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